Your Help Needed: Fully Fund Module Six for the Haiti Bible Institute
Dear Friends of On Target Ministry,
Today we need your help. We are conducting Module Six of the Haiti Bible Institute in just four weeks, and we are still $7,000 short of the need to fully pay for this module. Will you help us with a generous donation? We want to continue to operate this school and compete our mission to fully train Haitian pastors in the truths of God’s Word.
We are excited to announce that Module Six will be taught entirely by our Haitian Faculty. These four men are excellent teachers, and the students will benefit greatly hearing truth taught in their own language.
It is still unsafe for us to travel to Haiti because if the perilous political situation there. The Kenyan army has arrived with 1,000 peacekeepers, so we are hoping to see improvement in the days ahead. I will be monitoring the classes by video over the internet. The blessing is that God has allowed us to equip a fully trained faculty for such a time as this.
Thank you for your prayers and giving. Please help us maintain this unique and much needed ministry in Haiti. We are offering help and hope for this needy country in a very tangible way: by bringing truth to the Haitian people.
Grace and peace,
Doc and Anna